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Sprachkurse online
Englisch in UK, USA
Spanisch in Argentin
Entdecke Argentinien
Französisch in Fr.
Chinesisch in China
Italienisch Italien
Pilgerreise Israel
Preis & Leistung


Wir bieten Sprachkurse  in 42 Ländern. Wählen Sie die Sprache, die Sie erlernen möchten und Ihr Gastland. Wir haben für jeden Wunsch das entsprechende Angebot: Von den Weltsprachen Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch oder Deutsch über Chinesisch oder Japanisch bis hin zu Russisch oder Polnisch. Lassen Sie sich verzaubern von der Vielfalt der Sprachen und Länder! Im Weiteren finden Sie ausführliche Informationen zu den jeweiligen Gastländern:

Englischkurse in England:

Intensivkurse oder Semi-Intensivkurse in der Weltstadt London:

Wählen Sie zwischen 15, 19 oder 23 Wochenstunden. Beginn jede Woche möglich, alle Stufen, für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene. Unterricht in Kleingruppen. Einzelstunden auf Wunsch buchbar. Unterbringung in Familien, Halbpension oder mit Aufpreis Vollpension. Kulturelles Programm. IELT oder TOEFL - Prüfungskurse.

Workexperience 3 weeks + in London


Programme start:

Any Monday

English level:

Intermediate IELTS 4.5 or equivalent


EU nationals only

Length of programme:

From 3 weeks plus

Placement field:

Marketing & Sales, Engineering, Travel & Tourism, Hotel & Catering, Finance & Accounting, Insurance, PR & Advertising, Law, International Trade, Human Resources, Media, Administration & Secretarial, Architecture, Art & Design and Education



Work locations:

London only


Homestay or residential (not included in price)



Paid Work Experience Level 1

in Hotels oder Catering  in England (nicht London).

Programme start:Any Monday
English level:Intermediate and above
IELTS 4.5 or equivalent
Age requirement:18
Eligibility:EU Nationals only
Length of programme:Minimum 13 weeks to 1 year
including 1 week preparatory course
Area of work:Hotels, restaurants, bars, other catering establishments, fast food, campsites and theme parks, amongst others (excluding front of house, chef, etc.)
Remuneration:Minimum wage per hour with deductions for tax, national insurance, accommodation and any other services provided by the employer
Work locations:Throughout the UK
Accommodation:Arranged by the establishment, usually in staff quarters in or near the place of work
Education and Work Placement .
1560 $

300 $

All students must attend a Preparatory English Language course for a minimum of 1 week prior to their placement which will include workshops dedicated to providing students with all the necessary skills to get the most out of their experience.
Content of the course:
15 hours standard course in the morning 4 hours workshop in the afternoon:

  • Interview skills and techniques
  • Customer service skills
  • Health & safety/food hygiene
  • Hospitality industry-specific vocabulary
  • Placement confirmation
  • Travel confirmation
  • Welcome pack and student handbook


Und das Beste: Bei uns erwartet Sie eine Reihe von zusätzlichen Service-Angeboten! [*Bitte fügen Sie eine entsprechende Liste ein.*]








Houston's Top Accredited Language

A large part of a student’s ESL experience takes place outside of the classroom, in a new location, far away from home. At BEI, students are allowed the opportunity to adapt to their new environment in small, personal classrooms.

Bilingual Education Institute places a high priority on providing students a safe and nurturing setting in which to practice English and experience American culture. BEI’s goal is to promote international friendship and understanding, while learning English with detailed and personalized attention.




Sommercamp Englisch für Schüler und Studenten im malerischen Dublin. Noch Plätze frei für Juni, Juli, August, September

CADI offer three Junior Camps. These camps are designed to allow students a

Dublin City Centre, Dublin Community and Southern Ireland countryside experience. Host family

and residential accommodation are offered.


An extensive activities programme includes golfing, soccer, basketball, water-sports and cultural visits.

An Equestrian option includes jumping, trotting, dressage and stable management.
